Monday, August 10, 2009

From the "I-Told-You-So" file...

At long last someone has officially said what many of my age-set have been saying for a long time: telephone polling is bunk. Okay, maybe not complete bunk. Not yet anyway. But consider this; Mark Blumenthal quotes a statistician, whose business it is to keep the telephone poll alive, as saying "it's over...this is the end. Something else has got to come along."

The problem? Us youngsters. Quite simply, there aren't enough of us hanging around the house with dedicated, verifiable landlines to answer polls and generate a truly representative sample. We communicate with text, IM, status posts and Twitters. Frankly, a phone call just takes too much time. So, how will the pollsters of the future manage to correct samples so as not to skew to the old and well-to-do? Apparently, they don't know. Until they figure it out, my advice is to take the latest poll numbers with a grain of salt, if you have to take them at all.

F. Frog

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