Thursday, May 13, 2010

Petitions, petitions everywhere and not a drop of ink...

A couple of interesting action items today (to use to the parlance of the corporate douche-bag). First PAC Repower America has a petition circulating to urge your senators to sign on to the Kerry-Liberman energy bill. And while I've heard more than few things that make the current version of the bill seem a little milquetoast, time is running out for the Dem majority. So if this is of interest to you, act now, cause this offer won't last long.

Second, and perhaps of interest to netizens, is the ACLU's ongoing petition to urge Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to take the idea of respecting consumers' privacy a little more seriously. Maybe if we can remind ol' Zuckie that, given an alternative, FB users can and will defect on mass, it might just give him enough pause to backtrack on some his more flippant privacy violations. For while people might put up with it at the moment, developers are all ready betting that FB's users would flock to a more privacy-friendly social networking model. Mr. Zuckerberg is a relatively young guy, but he can't of forgotten what his own site did to Mayspace and Friendster. On the other hand, wild success does seem to affect the short term memory. If that's the case, sign the petition and see if we can jog it for him.

- Frog

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