Friday, February 1, 2008

Ann Coulter Supports Hillary?!?

This got me thinking. Why do the conservative media and the Republican candidates keep acting like Hillary is the presumptive nominee? Also, why does the (so-called) liberal media seem to have a bias against her?

On the first point, I reasoned that it is most likely out of necessity. Since Conservatives have no real standard bearer, they are attempting to use anti-Clinton sentiment as a rallying point. The logic being, if they cannot inspire social conservatives on their issues then they can use their presumed hatred of the name Clinton, and Hillary in particular, as the next best thing. The question is going to be, how much does the conservative movement actually hate Hillary? If the behavior of conservative pundits and strategists is to be believed, then quite a lot. However, since neither group can really claim to have their finger on the pulse of their audience that remains to be seen.

The second point is a bit more dubious. Why, after only winning two primaries outright, has the media proclaimed Obama to have the momentum each time, while Hillary's numerous wins have always been presented in a less glorious light (the AP's announcement that Hillary "claims" a win in Florida was one example)? While most ardent Hillary supporters I have spoke with chalk it up to the press simply not liking the woman (or her being a woman, depending on how militantly feminist the person I was speaking with was), I think the answer is simpler than that. I think, from the standpoint of the press, that Obama is simply a more interesting story. Hillary's run for president surprised no one. It was speculated, it was assumed. In short, it was yesterday's news. Hill, like McCain, has been in the press' gun sights for a very long time. As far as news people are concerned, old news is bad news. Obama, a new face who is camera friendly, no history in the press, etc, etc, simply makes for better copy.

All in all, I think that if Hillary can weather this level of apathy to and abuse of her narrative, there is no reason why she can't win in November.

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